Preset Responses

class PresetResponses

Preset responses. These responses use a preset response/s to respond with. If a list of responses is given, one of them will be chosen randomly for each response.

document = <class 'gramhopper.responses.preset_responses._PresetDocumentResponse'>

A preset document response. See more in _PresetDocumentResponse.

message = <class 'gramhopper.responses.preset_responses._PresetMessageResponse'>

A preset message response. See more in _PresetMessageResponse.

reply = <class 'gramhopper.responses.preset_responses._PresetReplyResponse'>

A preset reply response. See more in _PresetReplyResponse.


class _PresetDocumentResponse(preset_response: Union[str, telegram.files.document.Document])

A preset response in which the response method is a document

__init__(preset_response: Union[str, telegram.files.document.Document])

Constructs the response.

Parameters:preset_response – The preset document URL or document object


class _PresetMessageResponse(preset_response: Union[str, List[str]])

A preset response in which the response method is a normal message

__init__(preset_response: Union[str, List[str]])

Constructs the response.

Parameters:preset_response – The preset response or list of responses


class _PresetReplyResponse(preset_response: Union[str, List[str]])

A preset response in which the response method is a reply to the triggering message

__init__(preset_response: Union[str, List[str]])

Constructs the response.

Parameters:preset_response – The preset response or list of responses